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Dr. Vittorio Ghirardini

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+49 89 30000-3349


Gießenbachstraße 1,

85748 Garching bei München


Brief Bio:


I am Vittorio Ghirardini, astrophysicist. I come from the Northern region of Italy close to Trento. I did graduate in physics (both bachelor and master) in Trento (Italy) and then proceeded for a Ph.D. in Bologna (Italy) in astrophysics. This choice is both to the fact that I have always been fascinated with astronomy in general since my youth (I had a very little telescope I used to observe stars and planets), and in particular, during my master, I focused my career exams mainly on astrophysics courses. Therefore slowly but surely astrophysics became my natural preference in terms of an academic career to follow. During my Ph.D. I‘ve found love for galaxy clusters, that since then has always been there. In particular I find fascinating how these systems can be seen as their own little Universe, and how they host some of the most energetic events in our Universe. I then proceeded with a Post Doc at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian in Cambridge (MA,USA) with Esra Bulbul, continuing to study galaxy clusters. Finally in 2019 as soon I‘ve got the opportunity, I followed her to MPE to work with eROSITA, particularly focusing on the eFEDS mini survey that is one of the main topic of EDR.

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